While interviewing his latest employee, Lewis violated at least five state and federal labor laws according to the State Bar of California. Among the infractions:
1. Jeff Lewis asked the job candidate his age. Not allowed.
2. Jeff Lewis asked the job candidate his marital status. Not allowed
3. Jeff Lewis asked the job candidate if he had plans to have children. Not allowed.
4. Jeff Lewis asked the job candidate if he'd ever been arrested. Not allowed. (An employer can legally ask if you have been arrested and are still facing trial on criminal charges for that arrest. And employers can generally ask if you've ever been convicted of a crime. )
Less problematic, Lewis also asked whether or not the candidate could legally work in the United States (the question was phrased in such a way that it would not be allowable). Lewis also asked the candidate what social clubs he belonged to (not allowed).
Of course, Lewis avoided asking any questions about actual job performance. It's pretty clear that Jeff Lewis was trying to have a little fun by intentionally asking every illegal job interview question he could. But will this publicity stunt backfire on him?
After all he's hired an awful lot of cute young guys for all the wrong reasons. His latest intern, for example, was required to send a picture before even getting an interview. And Lewis openly admits to only wanting 'pretty people' working for him.
This may be just the evidence needed by qualified job-candidates who have been turned down by Jeff Lewis. I say sue the man for all he's worth.
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