Am I the only one who remembers what happens when child-tv stars grow up? Does Lindsay Lohan, Todd Bridges, or Danny Bonaduce ring a bell?
Child TV stars have the odds stacked against them to begin with, but when they have mothers who are pimping them out, they really don't have a chance. That's why Jill Zarin promoting her daughter Ally's Personal Blog on her website is so troubling.
Both Ally and Jill are clearly not content to expose just part of their lives on television, so they have decided to share their entire lives online. For a grown adult like Jill Zarin to make this decision is one thing, but when it comes to Ally, I can't help but be concerned.
Ally shows no signs whatsoever of being able to separate her personal life from her public life. Ally posts intimate details about her life, shares private family photos, and shows no understanding of where her public life ends and her private life begins.
Pimping out the details Ally's daily life is playing with fire. This teenager may not realize it yet, but living every moment of your life in the public sphere has it's downsides: just ask Britney Spears. Ally needs to find her worth independent of her tv-personality and discover the parts of her life that are worth keeping private.
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